Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Why we at Board Games Wonderland think Santiago is a good family game. An extract from a review of this favourite game...

(From boardgamegeek.com) Santiago is one of those happy games where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts...

When you place a tile is just as important as which tile you place, so auctions are often as much about turn order as they are about choosing order...

Proper money management also plays a big part. Money is pretty tight and outside of the relatively low income, the only way to obtain it is through bribes...

The game should also appeal to a pretty wide audience. Casual players should enjoy the design's solid theming and straightforward rules; it can also be played with relatively little nastiness, if that is desired...

So what we have is a well designed middleweight game with plenty of interaction and basically no down time...

Santiago is one of the highlights of the recent Essen fair for me and easily makes my Top Ten list for best games of the year. It's a cooling drink from newcomers Hely and Pelek and I look forward to their next design.


Anonymous said...

Is there a lot of analysis paralysis in this game? Cause that occurs even when I'm merely playing Saboteur (!!!) with my cousins... >_<"

Anonymous said...

Hi! Yup, this game requires a bit of strategising, as with most good euro games! 'Analysis paralysis' will definitely wear off as you acquaint yourself with the same game over time!